Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Agricultural Education Teaching Philosophy

I believe in the future of Agricultural Education, preparing students for successful careers in the agricultural industry; in the promise to work and spark an interest in the young minds of the future.

I believe in the three-circle model. A successful agricultural program has three components; classroom instruction, FFA, and Supervised Agricultural Events which provide opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. For good teachers use hands on learning to engage all students in the classroom and laboratories.
I believe in Blooms Taxonomy in that a well-rounded curriculum and program will reach all students through all three domains; cognitive, affective, and psychomotor increasing student potential and desire to learn.
I believe in the future of my students and that bright minds are able to achieve great things, understanding the importance of agriculture to the world in the future. Through firm yet encouraging advising I will support all students, helping them to reach their full potential in class and all future endeavors. 
I believe in the future of Agricultural Education advancing since 1970 and continuing so that that one day every student will be able to take a high school agriculture class. Every student across the nation will have the choice to learn science, business, technology of plant and animal production and/or about the environmental and natural resources system. I believe that I can make a difference to my students and community, which will stand for my part in that inspiring task.

This creed was written by Meagan Slates and demonstrates my desire to continual strive to uphold the beliefs of the agricultural education field. – 2013

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