Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Western PA Leadership Conference

July 17th a few Ag ed superheroes hit the road and traveled to Conneaut Lake for the Western PA Leadership Conference.

The workshop was designed to show FFA students different careers in the agriculture profession. Choosing a career can be hard and overwhelming, especially for high school students. Hopefully we made this life decision a little easier!

Carly (pictured left) talks to two girls as they ask each other questions about the sticky note on their back. The note states their secret "job title" in which they are trying to figure out by talking to other students in the workshop.

Given a scenario, groups tried to match the story with a major from the College of Ag Sciences at Penn State. After checking out the handouts the group teamed up and talk with a leader to see if they picked the right major.
Using inspiration from Erin Ehnle's article in the FFA New Horizons magazine, students expressed a passion or hobby they have! Erin has become a huge role model through social media for students by sharing her story and passion for agriculture. Every student at the conference shared their own on a note card that was displayed after the workshop in the hotel lobby. The students really got into this activity by drawing pictures or sharing a phrase that shows what they love. Pictured to the left is one of the posters. 

These are just some of the activities we did with the students during to workshop! Overall it was a awesome day spent with some very intelligent, passionate, and goal driven students. Hopefully this workshop and the team leaders were successful in encouraging these students to keep a open mind and follow their dreams right into the best career ever...agriculture.
Thanks AWESOME fellow colleges for helping!!