Friday, August 29, 2014

Bet Your Summer Wasn't As Exciting As Mine!

Well I have neglected my blog for far too long! As I embark on another school year I find myself in a different role then I have been the past 17 + daycare years of my life. For those long youthful years I have been the student. An overly active student, always involved in activities, striving for good grades, and ya know completing majority of my homework. My blog started as a way to share with my family and friends my journey through college as an Agricultural Education student, president of a club and advocate for others to join us as an Avenger. My blog then became about my journey student teaching at West Perry High School. This was nothing like the stigma Perry County gets for being "hick, boring place" as I can assure you student teaching was one of the best and toughest experiences. I had the very best of mentors!! With dedication and hard work I saw my some of my biggest goals achieved when I graduated from Penn State and became the new Ag teacher at Penn Manor High School in the same weekend!

Here's a snapshot of my crazy summer!

 With week one in the books I am even more excited for this school year! The potential I already see in my students is thrilling. While I still learn something new everyday my role has OFFICIALLY changed from student to teacher!