Friday, January 24, 2014

Week One in the Books!

     My week started on Monday with a teacher inservice day. This was said to be the most exciting inservice day I would ever attend and I can say thats probably true. The high school is looking to improve elective classes for students by designing a clear pathway of classes for ultimate student success. To us in the ag world we already know a lot about  scope and sequences for our programs because we get funding from the state and endure a annual state audit. So I spent that day "showing what I know" as Dr. Foster would say and helping other departments in the school. Shout out to Dr. Ewing and AEE 313 Program Planning.

     The rest of the week was hetic as I took on my first class! I planned and planned and planned some more but in the end I'm not sure I got the result I wanted from the students. I was advised that it was just something that would come with time. I believe that good teachers continue to work until they see success in their students.

     While this might seem small I was pleased with the way I set up the classroom. I did a few icebreakers to get to know the students and then kept their notecards so I could try to associate their names with a favorite hobby and study later on my own. After passing out a small syllabus I explained the procedures, expectations, and consequences. This was all outlined in the syllabus and is simply to keep the teacher and students on the same page. Last I had the students set up their bell work books. These will hold answers to the daily bell work and ticket out questions. I will check it weekly and count it as part of the student participation. This was we can review topics discussed in class and I can also use the ticket out to learn about my students.

      Ending this week I feel a little frustrated with myself. I know I expect too much. I work so hard on every lesson I just want it to be perfect and I get upset when it doesn't work out the way I planned or when the students aren't understanding. My advisors say that it's ok to feel that way but I have to realize that it's not always going to be perfect or go just the way I want it to.

    I was feeling glad it was Friday today and then something happened. I was making copies this morning when another teacher walked in. He asked me if I taught my first lesson yet. I proceeded to tell him how I had been teaching one class for majority of the week. He then proceeded to ask me how it was going and I said it was going ok, a little challenging but I think I could catch on with time. He responded that he knew I would succeed because he could tell by the smile on my face. At first I laughed because I didn't know this teacher at all but the little encouraging moments like that are what let you know your in the right place.
My Cooperating Teacher Mr. Jon Hines and Mrs. Ayla Miller 

Everyone makes funny mistakes when just starting a new job…others just have blonde moments. I won't categorize myself you can decide. But I always like to share for a good laugh.

Meagan Moment- Finally found the right copier after using the one designated for the athletic department. #facepalm there's too many!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Excuse me I'm the what?….STUDENT TEACHER!!

     An adventurous week filled with Mid Winter Convention, working the food booth, helping with Farm Show contests, observations or substitute teaching, school closings and already getting confused as a student about a thousand times. Yes I'm finally in Perry County and getting ready for student teaching. While I didn't actually teach any classes yet I attempted to get used to hearing everyone call me Ms. Slates. My week was way to exciting to just focus on one thing! Since West Perry High School is only about a half hour from Harrisburg and the Farm Show Complex I spent majority of my week there with the FFA chapter.

Keystone Degree Recipients 
     Of course Mid Winter Convention fell on if not the coldest day of the year it certainly felt like it! West Perry had a two hour delay which really made the day fly by. The two hour delay sent one of the ag teachers Mrs. Miller on an early morning adventure with a few FFA members who had to be there early for star keystone interviews. I was lucky enough to ride the bus in with the students two hours later…bus trips are not as fun as I remember them being in high school. Anyway when we finally arrived Mr. Hines and myself went to the National Convention celebration banquet. It was run by a friend of mine but being completely unbiased I thought it was really nice. With State Convention happening in the summer and Nationals later in the fall it's nice that participants are congratulated by Pennsylvania after competing at National Convention.

National Convention Winners
     After that I attended Mid Winter Convention. I can appreciate that my cooperating teachers make all their students sit together. We had several Keystone Degree award recipients, freshman receiving their jackets, and even a star keystone winner. I quickly became the chaperone when Mrs. Miller had to go help with jackets and then Mr. Hines went on an adventure to steal a laser light from a misbehaving child across the stadium. I think it's important for all FFA members to attend Mid Winter Convention for a few reasons. For the freshman it's an opportunity to get involved and maybe even a free jacket. It's the first time for freshman to get out and experience the size of this great organization. For sophomores and juniors it's an opportunity to compete against other members in the state, explore career opportunities, and support the older members receiving the highest degree the Keystone. For the seniors this is the ultimate party and the celebration of a successful high school millstone in their adventure through FFA.

New Jacket Recipients 
     The rest of the week I spent my time with the students everyday either observing, pretending to be the substitute while Mr. Hines was in a meeting (there was also a real sub no worries), or attending Farm Show with the FFA members to work the FFA Foundation food booth. It was a great experience getting to attend two days to work the food booth and work with the FFA members before having them in class. Let's not forget we also got free food and milkshakes..who would pass that up!

     On Sunday I even ventured back to Farm Show to help clean up the landscape display. West Perry got second. Some of the students were disappointed with the results but found comfort in the fact that the first place winner who used dead plants as part of their "winter display" would have trouble replicating that at Big E since it would not be the same season and the plants they used would no longer be dormant. Living four hours away from Farm Show, I never had the opportunity to compete in some of these contests but let me tell you…they don't mess around! Taking the skid loader made clean up a breeze and I was really impressed with how many students got involved on a Sunday for clean up.
West Perry 2nd Place Landscape Display

    If you think this sounds like an exciting first week I didn't even mention guard dog Jenny and my cute little landlords, my truck not starting, getting to know the local Librarian, and everyone at McDonald's as I stole wifi. Life is an adventure and this starts a new journey!